Beginner Signature Tutorials
Read our beginner signature tutorials for adobe photoshop. Complete with the resources used in the tutorials and results of other designers!
Clipping Mask Tutorial
This tutorial is split into two parts. The first part will teach you how to successfully create a clipping mask. The second part focuses on how to create the following signature.
This sig may look rather daunting and difficult, but is actually a rather simple sig which was done almost entirely through Clipping Masks. But more about this signature later on, first lets have a look at the wonderful world of clipping masks!

Creating depth in your signatures
In this tutorial I will teach you how to improve your signatures using depth. First I will show you some examples so you can see what depth exactly is and how it can drasticly improve your signatures.
In the second part of the tutorial you will learn various technique's to create depth in your own signatures.

Fire Effect Signature
In this signature tutorial you will learn how to create the following signature. This is a beginner tutorial, so when you are just starting out with photoshop and keep getting stuck when you try to follow more advanced tutorials, this tutorial is for you! You will learn how to:
- Create a background using a radial gradient
- Create a fire like effect
- Use scanlines.
- And of course much more!
Looks good doesn't it? So lets get started!

Create flow using the liquify tool
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a nice flow in your signature using the liquify tool and some other cool techniques.
At the end of this tutorial you will be able to:
- Blend your render using smudging
- Use the wave filter to create your background
- Use the liquify tool to enhance flow
- Use gradient maps to color your signature
- Add some nice effects to improve the flow.
We will be creating the following signature:

Category: Beginner Signature Tutorials, C4D Signature Tutorials
Viewed: 47,329 times
Comments: 41 Comments
Absolute beginner tutorial
Welcome to this absolute beginner tutorial, if you are new to creating signatures this is the tutorial to start with when you have zero knowledge! In this tutorial you will learn:
- What brushes are, where to get them and how to use them.
- How to add color to your background.
- Where to get renders, what renders are and how to use them.
- How to blend your render with the background.
- How to create focus and a feeling of depth in your signature.
- How to add text and a border
Sound pretty good doesn't it? So lets get started, but before we start here is an idea of what you will be making: